The Dutchtown Community Improvement District has released their annual report for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 2019, their second full year in operation. After focusing on planning in their first year, the CID took that momentum and started making things happen.

In spite of a limited budget (about $82,000 for the year) and an all volunteer staff, the Dutchtown CID was able to make great strides in 2019. Download the report here, or read on for some highlights.

Police officers from Campbell Security Group patrolling outside of Queens Nail Salon on Meramec Street in Downtown Dutchtown.
Campbell Security officers patrolling Downtown Dutchtown.

Safety and Security

In October 2018, after discussions with multiple firms, the Dutchtown CID contracted with Campbell Security and Service Group to provide secondary patrols through the CID footprint. Two uniformed officers patrol the footprint during weekly shifts to provide enhanced police coverage and visibility.

The CID hosted a Safety Meet and Greet at Crusoe’s in January with Campbell Security and Neighborhood Liaison Officers from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.

Maintenance and Beautification

In the spring of 2019, the CID worked with Ald. Shane Cohn and the City of St. Louis to install or replace trash cans through the district. The CID has contracted with Metro Sweeping to ensure the cans are maintained and emptied regularly.

The CID has also contracted with St. Patrick’s Center to provide additional maintenance services. Workers from St. Patrick’s clean up trash and assist with plantings in the district.

Marketing and Development

The CID’s Marketing Committee developed informational door hangers for residents of the CID. The CID also participated in or supported events throughout the neighborhood, such as the Go Dutch! real estate mixer and the First District Police Luncheon.

Dutchtown CID Board Chair Ashley Raineri and 25th Ward NIS Christian Saller remove furniture from an alley in Dutchtown.
CID Board Chair Ashley Raineri and 25th Ward NIS Christian Saller removing furniture from an alley.

In conjunction with both the Beautification and Marketing committees, the CID organized a very successful neighborhood cleanup, Clean Dutch, on Earth Day weekend in April. Dozens of neighbors tackled trash on their blocks, and volunteers filled an entire construction dumpster with bulk trash picked up from alleys.

Finally, the CID formed an agreement with to provide ongoing promotional services via this website and social media.

Looking Forward

The Dutchtown CID continues to progress into the current fiscal year. The CID recently issued a request for proposals for capital improvements in the district. Campbell Security is still patrolling the district, and maintenance contracts have been effective.

The CID has operated transparently and in a community-oriented fashion, with a board made up of business and property owners in the district along side residents volunteering their time and efforts. Board meetings are held monthly and are open to the public, and committee meetings are held quarterly with anyone being able to join a committee.

This month, the Dutchtown CID Board of Directors will meet on Monday, December 23rd, 5:30pm at the Neighborhood Innovation Center. All neighbors are welcome. Also in December, the CID’s committees will meet:

Join us at the board meeting to keep up with what’s going on, or join a committee to get involved! With your help, the district will continue to improve and make Dutchtown a better place to live and work.

Download the complete report here, including a map of the district, 2019 income and expenses, and the budget adopted for 2020.